RBHQ Event and Pricing Feeds
Push and Pull of event feed data from RBHQ
RacebookHQ provides push and pull feeds. Depending on the requirements of the partner, we provide the ability for customers to pull feeds using POST method that requires an auth Token that is issued by the administrators of RacebookHQ. This set of RBHQ Event feeds that show the following:-
GET - RacebookHQ Events for Host
GET - RacebookHQ Prices Push for Host
GET - RacebookHQ Race Status Push
GET - RacebookHQ Scratching/Deductions Push
GET - RacebookHQ Results by Day
GET - RacebookHQ Individual Event Resultsdepicts the pricing for events.
Note that an event is a race, meet is the meeting or racecourse that is defined by an ID. Event number is a unique number for each race.
As part of realtime push services, RBHQ also provides Push feeds to partners endpoints to enhance any realtime requirements. These feeds are
PUSH - RacebookHQ Scratchings, Deductions and Pricing of odds
PUSH - RacebookHQ Event statuses - this is to allow open and closure of races including all statuses in between
PUSH - RacebookHQ Race results - this is a push feed that allows results to be pushed to the partner to result a race for payout or finalisation purposes.
Updated almost 3 years ago