Pull Feed via GET from customer endpoint

This Pull API provides results of races by the day. The day is defined as a 24 hour period based on AEST.

Day results api allows to query results for a single day.


runnerNumberNumberRunner Number
outcomeNameStringName of the runner
placingNumberPlacing of the runner


betTypeStringType of the outcome (Win)
betStatusStringStatus of the outcome [P - Paying, I - Interim]
selectionsStringSelections of the outcome
placingNumberPlacing of the outcome (applicable for Win and Place outcomes only
spNumberStarting Price


runnersList<Runner>List of runners
placingsStringPlacings of the event. Comma separated. Dead heats are separated by /
finalsList<Final>List of event final outcomes
eventNameStringEvent name
eventNumberNumberEvent number
utcTimeDateTimeDate and time of the event in UTC timezone
eventNumberNumberEvent number
raceDistanceStringRace distance
raceClassStringRace Class
payingNumberIndicator if current event is paying. 1 = paying, 0 = not paying
isInterimNumberIndicator if current event results are interim. 1 = interim, 0 = not interim
utcCloseTimeDateTimeDate and time of event close in UTC timezone


meetingIdStringId of the meeting
sportNameStringSport name
sportCodeStringSport code
meetingDateDateMeeting date
eventNumberNumberEvent number
meetingNameStringMeeting name
meetingCountryStringMeeting country or, for Australia only, state
meetingClassStringMeeting class
waCodeStringWestern Australia code for the meeting
nswCodeStringNew South Whales code for the meeting
qldCodeStringQueensland code for the meeting
quadLegsStringList of event numbers qualified for quaddie
trackConditionStringTrack Condition
venueCodeStringRacebookHQ venue code
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