Push Feed to customer endpoint
The Bet Limit API will provide the limit to the partner hosts individual bets that will be the maximum bet a customer can place on that selection.
- Customer adds a selection to their betslip.
- A response will be sent with the bet id and the maximum liability limit.
The following definition is for the list of bets in BetSubmission
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
id | String | Partner host transaction id | |
customerId | String | Partner host customer id | |
customerMeta | Map[String, String] | Optional map of customer related data | Optional field to provide more customer related data. Can be used to provide residence. |
type | String | The type of bet [SINGLE, MULTI] | |
stake | String | The amount specified for the bet. Formatted decimal | |
stakeType | String | The stake type [CREDIT, BONUS, OTHER] | |
currency | String | The currency the transactions are in. | We do not do currency conversions, this must be consistent across all bets. |
submissionTime | String | The ISO format time of submission. | OPTIONAL for Bet Limit, REQUIRED for Betslip Decision and Betslip record |
legs | List[LegSubmission] |
Within the List for legs in BetSubmission - submit the legsSubmission for each leg
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
id | String | Partner host transient id. | |
type | String | The type of the leg [WIN, PLACE] | More types can come later. E.g EACH_WAY, TRIFECTA,… |
eventId | String | The unique Racebook event id. | Please use meetingid:racenumber eg 1359871:3 so the meeting and race 3 |
selectionSlots | List[SelectionSlot] | The object specifying the selection | Racing bets only require SELECTION slots. WIN and PLACE only have 1 selection slot. |
prices | Map[String, String] | Map of bet tag to price. | Win and place will only have * mapped to a price since there is 1 universal price. Fixed odds exotics will be a distribution. |
productType | String | The product type of the bet [FIXED_ODDS, PARIMUTUEL] | Common use is FIXED_ODDS |
Within the List for SelectionSlot in LegSubmission - submit as per below definition
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
selections | List[String] | The runner numbers for the leg. | WIN and PLACE will only have 1 selection. |
type | String | The type of selection slot. [SELECTION, MARKET,…] | Racing only uses SELECTION types. |
the BetLimit response definition
Field | Type | Description | Comment |
id | String | Provided Partner host bet id from the bet submission | |
limit | String | The RBHQ calculated liability limit for the bet | |
dividends | Number | Dividents used for the estimation of limit |
"id": "b1",
"customerId": "test1",
"customerMeta": {
"residence": "AU"
"type": "SINGLE",
"stake": "5.50",
"stakeType": "CREDIT",
"currency": "USD",
"submissionTime": "2021-04-14T05:12:23.664392+00:00",
"legs": [
"id": "l1",
"type": "WIN",
"eventId": "test:race1",
"selectionSlots": [
"selections": [
"type": "SELECTION"
"prices": {
"*": "5.72"
"productType": "FIXED_ODDS"
"id": "b1",
"limit": "200.0"
"dividends": 12.0