Push Feed to customer endpoint


The Bet Limit API will provide the limit to the partner hosts individual bets that will be the maximum bet a customer can place on that selection.

  1. Customer adds a selection to their betslip.
  2. A response will be sent with the bet id and the maximum liability limit.

The following definition is for the list of bets in BetSubmission


idStringPartner host transaction id
customerIdStringPartner host customer id
customerMetaMap[String, String]Optional map of customer related dataOptional field to provide more customer related data.
Can be used to provide residence.
typeStringThe type of bet [SINGLE, MULTI]
stakeStringThe amount specified for the bet. Formatted decimal
stakeTypeStringThe stake type [CREDIT, BONUS, OTHER]
currencyStringThe currency the transactions are in.We do not do currency conversions, this must be consistent across all bets.
submissionTimeStringThe ISO format time of submission.OPTIONAL for Bet Limit, REQUIRED for Betslip Decision and Betslip record

Within the List for legs in BetSubmission - submit the legsSubmission for each leg


idStringPartner host transient id.
typeStringThe type of the leg [WIN, PLACE]More types can come later. E.g EACH_WAY, TRIFECTA,…
eventIdStringThe unique Racebook event id.Please use meetingid:racenumber eg 1359871:3 so the meeting and race 3
selectionSlotsList[SelectionSlot]The object specifying the selectionRacing bets only require SELECTION slots. WIN and PLACE only have 1 selection slot.
pricesMap[String, String]Map of bet tag to price.Win and place will only have * mapped to a price since there is 1 universal price. Fixed odds exotics will  be a distribution.
productTypeStringThe product type of the bet [FIXED_ODDS, PARIMUTUEL]Common use is FIXED_ODDS

Within the List for SelectionSlot in LegSubmission - submit as per below definition


selectionsList[String]The runner numbers for the leg.WIN and PLACE will only have 1 selection.
typeStringThe type of selection slot. [SELECTION, MARKET,…]Racing only uses SELECTION types.


the BetLimit response definition

idStringProvided Partner host bet id from the bet submission
limitStringThe RBHQ calculated liability limit for the bet
dividendsNumberDividents used for the estimation of limit
    "id": "b1",
    "customerId": "test1",
    "customerMeta": {
      "residence": "AU"
    "type": "SINGLE",
    "stake": "5.50",
    "stakeType": "CREDIT",
    "currency": "USD",
    "submissionTime": "2021-04-14T05:12:23.664392+00:00",
    "legs": [
            "id": "l1",
            "type": "WIN",
            "eventId": "test:race1",
            "selectionSlots": [
                    "selections": [
                    "type": "SELECTION"
            "prices": {
                "*": "5.72"
            "productType": "FIXED_ODDS"
  "id": "b1",
  "limit": "200.0"
  "dividends": 12.0