Race Events feed by day and racetype

This will provide a list of events to be used for event creation and for allowing our push pricing mechanism to map and prices races that ingest this data.

This is the master RacebookHQ event creation JSON for clients. Currently, this contains all available RBHQ events however, this will be filtered down to contain events only required by the host partner.

When you are requesting for this data.

The Body of the Post should contain the following

{ "dates" : ["2021-05-14T00:00:00"], "raceTypes": ["R","G", "H"] }

DateChar["2021-05-14T00:00:00"]Please use UTC
raceTypesChar"R" - Horse Racing, "G" - Greyhounds, "H" - Harness

Authorization Bearer Token Key is required for every request. This will be provided to you as part of the partnership agreement.

The structure of the the event creation is structured by way of

Meetings -> Events -> Runners

Meetings is created as the main header for all the events and remains the same for each event within a meeting. The following are the fields that will show in the response.


meetingIdNumeric15510Unique identifier for a meeting
meetingDateDateTime UTC2022-11-25T00:00:00.000ZDate of the meeting
venueStringALBURYThe name of the meeting's venue
typeStringRR = Thoroughbreds
G = Greyhounds
H = Harness
countryStringAUTwo character ISO country code
stateStringNSWThe state where the event is hosted. May not be populated for non Australian events
railStringRail: Out 8m 1700m - 800m. Out 10m Remainder.Information regarding the track's rail position
eventsArray of EventsWithin each meeting has multiple events

Within each meeting the events are then listed with the following response fields


alternateVenueNamesString ArrayAlbury Wodonga
meetingIdNumeric15510Unique identifier for a meeting
eventNumberNumeric1The event or race number
meetingDateDateTime UTC2022-11-25T00:00:00.000ZDate of the meeting
startTimeDateTime UTC2022-11-25T05:57:00.000ZStart time of the race
classStringMdnThe race class
closeTimeDateTime UTC2022-11-25T05:57:40.657ZThe race close time
typeStringRR = Thoroughbreds
G = Greyhounds
H = Harness
countryStringAUTwo character ISO country code
venueStringALBURYThe name of the meeting's venue
targetPercentageNumeric0Reserved for future use
stateStringNSWThe state where the event is hosted. May not be populated for non Australian events
distanceNumeric1400The value is stated in metres
eventNameStringLevel One Wine Room-Cellar Mdn,The name of the event
weatherStringFINEShort description of the weather conditions
betTypesString ArrayWin, Place
runnersArray of RunnersThe list of runners in the event

Within each event the runner will be listed with the following fields


runnerNumberNumeric1The runner number
nameCharElectric StormThe runner name
scratchedBooleanfalsetrue or false
scratchingTimestampDateTime UTC2021-05-14T00:00:00,Time stamp of when the horse was scratched for display
scratchTypeNumeric01 for Early Scratching, 2 for Late Scratching (After final acceptances), 0 for not scratched
jockeyStringNick HeywoodAny Name
trainerStringE and L LongmireAny Name
barrierNumeric9Any whole number
emergencyBooleanfalsetrue or false
finishPositionNumericnull1,2,3 or 4
prices (DEPRECATED)Numeric12.00Deprecated - use the RBHQ Event Prices API for prices

The end of which request will be the status of the API call

successfulBooleantruetrue or false
messageStringAny message
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!