Push Feed via POST to customer endpoints

[CLIENT ENDPOINT URL]/api/scratchdeductions

The RBHQ Price Push Feed API allows partners to integrate and receive prices, scratchings/unscratchings and deductions for all Racing events, races and runners.

This payload contains price updates, new scratchings plus deductions and/or new unscratchings

This payload is sent whenever one of the following occurs:

  • One or more prices in a race has changed
  • A new scratching occurs
  • A new unscratching occurs

These events can occur separately, so the payload may contain price updates, scratchings and unscratchings in any combination

The Scratchings property is usually empty and is only populated when there is a new scratching. When a new scratching occurs, the Scratchings section will be populated with the new scratching as well as all the previous ones, which may have updated deduction values. This is the same for the Unscratching property, which will be populated only when an unscratching occurs. Unscratchings are there to help revert incorrectly scratched runners.

Note that deduction values can change, even on the same runner, so make sure the deduction values are updated accordingly when these come through in the Scratchings property

Below is a sample payload that gets pushed to the partner's endpoint

Sample Payload

	"Payload": {
		"PriceUpdates": [
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"eventNumber": 1,
				"runnerNumber": 8,
				"Property": "ep",
				"PropertyId": 12,
				"Price": "3.8"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"eventNumber": 1,
				"runnerNumber": 8,
				"Property": "epPlace",
				"PropertyId": 13,
				"Price": "1.85"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"eventNumber": 1,
				"runnerNumber": 8,
				"Property": "place2",
				"PropertyId": 147,
				"Price": "1.85"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"eventNumber": 1,
				"runnerNumber": 8,
				"Property": "place3",
				"PropertyId": 148,
				"Price": "1.3"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"eventNumber": 1,
				"runnerNumber": 8,
				"Property": "place4",
				"PropertyId": 149,
				"Price": "1.04"
		"Scratchings": [
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"EventNumber": 1,
				"RunnerNumber": 1,
				"WinDeduction": 0.0,
				"PlaceDeduction": 0.0,
				"ScratchType": "early",
				"ScratchTime": "2024-04-09T21:24:05.24Z"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"EventNumber": 1,
				"RunnerNumber": 6,
				"WinDeduction": 0.0,
				"PlaceDeduction": 0.0,
				"ScratchType": "early",
				"ScratchTime": "2024-04-09T21:29:06.117Z"
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"EventNumber": 1,
				"RunnerNumber": 7,
				"WinDeduction": 0.0,
				"PlaceDeduction": 0.0,
				"ScratchType": "early",
				"ScratchTime": "2024-04-09T06:00:59.257Z"
		"Unscratchings": [
				"MeetingId": 1436881,
				"EventNumber": 1,
				"RunnerNumber": 2,
				"UnscratchTime": "2024-04-09T20:24:05.24Z"
	"Signature": "9d5d06bbb54b628106c92f931c8967d9e40e2d7e4a5f631f507ece9e1eb07eee",
	"Timestamp": 1712718022

Price Updates

MeetingId1355916Host Partner Customer IDThis meeting ID is unique to the race
eventNumber2Event Number of the MeetingPlease us this to define the race number
runnerNumber6The number of the participant in the race
propertyepBet TypeBet types available are:
propertyId12Bet Type ID
price12.0Odds Price for the bet type


MeetingId1355916Pinnacle Customer IDThis meeting ID is unique to the race
eventNumber2Event Number of the MeetingPlease us this to define the race number
runnerNumber6The number of the participant in the race
ScratchTypeearlyearly - early scratching
late - late scratching
WinDeduction0.05Deduction on the Win price
PlaceDeduction0.06Deduction on the Place price
ScratchTime2024-04-09T06:00:59.257ZThe scratching time in UTC
UnscratchTime2024-04-09T20:24:05.24ZThe unscratching time in UTC
Signature8bad0737f5edeb02b276b74c97f5817d31d36257465f9bcf7b8fb8cef440fcaaFor authentication purposesThis will be provided by RBHQ
Timestamp1619767450epoch timeThe time the message was pushed